At crooton, we see a lot of job adverts. We see the ones that are successful and the ones that are not. To help you create successful job advertisements, we have included some of our top tips that you can use to make your ad stand out from the crowd.
When people are considering applying for a job, they get attracted to brands that give them a positive experience from the initial point of contact, including the job advertisements they see while browsing the internet or searching for new employment. If you would like to attract high-quality job applicants to your company, you need to create job adverts in meaningful and compelling ways.
Our top tips for creating job adverts
There is no set format that you must follow when describing the job role, however, you should try to focus on the following elements:
Have an appealing title
The job advertisement’s title is the first section of your job advert that potential applicants will first interact with. One of the reasons why some job advertisements fail to bear the desired results is title clarity. If your job advertisement is vague, confusing, or misleading, it won’t attract the attention of all of your ideal candidates. You should aim to create your job advert title with words that professionals in the industries are likely to search. For instance, if you want to attract coding experts; you can use job titles such as “Software Engineer” or “Web Developer”.
Brief introduction
In about 40 words, your introduction should tell potential job applicants if the role is appropriate for them. The introduction should focus more on the role than the organisation and it should entice people to read on. Last but not least, the introduction should avoid superlatives that make it sound too good to be true.
Personal specification
This section should outline the specific qualifications, skills, and attributes that an ideal applicant must have. You should separate the necessary attributes of a candidate from what you consider as added advantages. Job seekers pay a lot of attention to this section, and therefore, it will significantly affect the response rate.
Benefits and rewards
This section should tell potential applicants about the benefits that they can expect by working in your organisation. Provide information on salary and perks that applicants can expect. However, rewards do not have to be financial. If your organisation offers benefits such as childcare, team outings, or flexible working programs, you can state that in this section.
Job location
Where is your company located, and where will the new employee be stationed? Will the new employee be in the office throughout, or will the role involve a lot of travelling? Job location is as important as the role itself, and you should aim to make it clear in this section.
About the company
If your company is not a household brand name, you need to provide information about it. However, you should not copy your “About Us” section but try to relate the company information to the role.
Call to action
If a job seeker is interested in your vacancy, you need to let them know how you want them to apply for the job. For instance, you can lead applicants to the “Apply Now” button or provide an email address that they should send their application to. You also should also inform them when to submit their application by. If there is specific information that you want applicants to provide, you can ask for it in this section.
To conclude, creating an effective job advert is not difficult. However, you need to ensure that the advert is concise and clear. It is also advisory that it looks and sounds professional. Most importantly, the advert must provide all the information that potential job applicants need to know if they are suitable candidates for the role or not.
To find out more about effective recruitment methods, contact us today.