Recruiting for any role can be challenging and there are a number of mistakes which seem to happen frequently costing businesses unnecessary expense. The first thing to do to avoid common recruitment mistakes is to be clear about exactly what it is you need to fill the position ensuring the role and the requirements are clear and concise for everyone involved in the recruitment process. 

Having a good job description 

In the ‘required skills’ section of a job description, only skills that you really need should be listed. You could be at risk of deterring strong candidates from applying with an unrealistic list of required skills. See if any of the ‘required skills’ could be moved into the ‘desired skills’ list. 

Good job descriptions often show a day in the working life of the role to give candidates an idea of what working for the company would be like. Don’t go overboard and certainly don’t exaggerate the opportunities that are available in your company as it could leave candidates feeling deflated when they start working for you.

It’s also important not to re-use job descriptions. It might seem efficient or quicker to use the same job description that you used for an employee you’re looking to replace. Ask the outgoing employee or their line manager how the role has developed and what new skills they’ve acquired, and what the person coming to replace them would need to successfully do the job.   

Tedious interview/onboarding process

To avoid having a tedious interview and onboarding process, it is important to look at how you can optimise these processes to make them as streamlined as possible. For example, when recruiting employees for a role where a DBS is required, would it be beneficial to start the application process as soon as possible?

Remember that the interview process is likely to be the most intimate experience a candidate has had with your company and is likely to have an impact on how they see the business as a whole, so make it as efficient and seamless as possible. Ensure that your interview process is clear and they know what to expect and within what timeframe.

There is also the risk that prolonging  the interview process unnecessarily could result in the candidate being hired by a competitor or finding employment elsewhere.

Not giving feedback to candidates

Even if you decide not to take a candidate on, it’s important that you get back to them to offer feedback. 

A big grievance with jobseekers is when they go to an interview and never hear back, even when they follow-up. Maintaining a good relationship with these candidates is important for several reasons, including your company’s reputation. It will also put you in good stead with them if another role emerges which they might be more suitable for in the future.

Not considering in-house talent

Before you look for external candidates make sure you haven’t overlooked any potential talent you already have employed to see if they are suitable to fill the required role. You might find that the best potential candidates already work at your company in a different role. Hiring and promoting from within can improve the morale of your already established workforce and send the message that there are opportunities or progression within your company.

Promoting someone  who already works for the business also has other benefits. They will already be used to the company culture, processes and the business goals as a whole. 

Rushing your decision to hire a specific person

On the other hand, it’s important that you don’t rush yourself and end up hiring someone who isn’t up to the job. You need to feel confident that the new candidate has the skills and experience to do the role and will be a good fit for your company. Think about how much training they are likely to need and the costs involved. Hiring the wrong person can be an expensive mistake, so you should always try to get it right the first time. 

If you are struggling, you might find that you’re able to hire a freelancer in the interim. This will take the pressure off your team to cover the work and give you some space to consider the decision and investigate your options thoroughly. 

Using managed recruitment services

Don’t fall into the trap of posting your vacant positions on generic job search sites and waiting for the perfect candidate to find you. This approach is unlikely to get you the top candidates and may prolong the recruitment process. While you’re waiting around for the right candidate to apply, your team members may find themselves picking up more work to plug the gap which is unlikely to have a positive effect on morale and your company’s efficiency.

It’s important to be proactive and you have capital available, hiring a recruiter will help you find the perfect candidates before they get employed by someone else. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg either, at crooton we offer a fixed price, fully managed recruitment service.

To find out more, contact us today.